Join a map-a-thon
Want to help make King County more accessible? Join a BluePath map-a-thon!
What is BluePath?
BluePath is an online database of accessible businesses. By participating in a map-a-thon, you will be helping other people in King County find businesses that meet their accessibility needs.
How it works:
Your team will canvass a small area in King County with a list of participating businesses to visit. You’ll help business owners and managers assess their business’s accessibility, for example whether the entrance is wheelchair accessible. Teams will “compete” for how many businesses they can map. The highest performing teams will earn prizes.
Businesses that participate will get a listing on the BluePath database as an accessible businesses—a win-win for business and accessibility!
Map-a-thon dates:
Will be announced soon!
For more info:
[Visual: Graphic with a circle and the text “Help make King County more accessible. Join a map-a-thon!”