Britt’s Story: Finding Support to Live Independently

“I became connected to the Disability Empowerment Center when I was homeless a year ago.”

Britt (they/them), a 27-year-old with short, dark-blond hair, brown eyes and a nose ring, came to us in 2021 for help finding housing. They had previously been living at home with their mom and then in a shared housing situation with 11 other people that didn’t work out.   


Britt describes their disability as a learning disability that was never properly diagnosed. “I’ve been in special ed most of my schooling life,” they said.


Disability Empowerment Center staffers helped Britt create a list of goals, and Britt jumped right in. At the top of the list was finding stable housing. Staff helped Britt go on housing tours and learn how to sign a lease. They also needed help finding furniture and figuring out the logistics of moving.


Britt is now in their own apartment in downtown Seattle.  And they are continuing to set goals and check them off. Recent successes Britt reports include taking classes at Seattle Central College, learning to cook for themself, starting a new hobby growing and tending to houseplants, getting a job as a courtesy clerk at a grocery store, joining a peer support group and much, much more.


“Disability Empowerment Center really gives you the tools as a disabled person to feel like you can do stuff, even though there are people who say you can’t because you’re disabled.”


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