Partnering with SHAG to Deliver Services

An older female-appearing person with a walker being helped by a young medical professional who is wearing a white medical jacket

One of the Disability Empowerment Center’s most concentrated groups of individuals engaging in our services is at a local Sustainable Housing for Ageless Generations (SHAG) facility. This facility is home to 180 seniors and people with disabilities.


During the pandemic, there was a recognized need at this facility for assistance with food and personal protective equipment (PPE). Our Independent Living Specialist assigned to SHAG helped create a food pantry for groceries and PPE in a repurposed conference room at SHAG. Seniors and people with disabilities “shopped” the pantry for free for groceries, hygiene products, PPE and pet food. Food and PPE drives supplied the donations for this pantry.


Residents also had the chance to use the pantry as a Resource Hub to get information about other resources provided by nonprofits and small businesses in the area. Our Independent Living Specialist helped source and organize the resources people were requesting. Nearly all the 180 residents accessed either food or resources during the pandemic.


What is an Independent Living Center?


Advocating for Disabled People’s Needs in a Pandemic