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Understanding Ableism

Join us for a free webinar about accessibility and housing.

This webinar will highlight the experiences the disability community has had in getting and and maintaining housing. We will also explore how to give landlords or resident assistants feedback on accessibility. Lack of affordable housing and lack of accessible and sensory-friendly housing are two key factors. Our guest speakers will talk about their housing experiences as disability community members or allies and use them to discuss ways in which housing can become more accessible, more sensory friendly and more affordable for the disability community.

Tuesday, April 15
10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

Virtual via Zoom. RSVP here to receive the link.

Sign language interpretation and CART will be provided.

For questions or to request other accommodations:

The King County Disability Consortium (KCDC) is a coalition of individuals and organizations working to confront inequity and drive systemic change for the disability community. Staffing support is provided by Disability Empowerment Center.

March 25

March Eastside Peer Group

May 20

Understanding Ableism