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Understanding Ableism

Join us for a free webinar about long COVID.

Long COVID is a kind of COVID-19 infection where the symptoms last for more than two weeks, and many people with long COVID acquire disabilities. Disability rights advocates have warned government officials about the possibility of the COVID-19 pandemic being a mass-disabling event, and they were right. While most public spaces no longer have penalties for going maskless, any given person’s COVID-19 infection could devolve into long COVID. This webinar’s guest speakers understand the detriments long COVID can have on people’s health and will offer tips on how we can adjust our covid-cautiousness practices to protect people who live with long COVID.

Tuesday, May 20
10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

Virtual via Zoom. RSVP here to receive the link.

Sign language interpretation and CART will be provided.

For questions or to request other accommodations:

The King County Disability Consortium (KCDC) is a coalition of individuals and organizations working to confront inequity and drive systemic change for the disability community. Staffing support is provided by Disability Empowerment Center.

April 15

Understanding Ableism