Recap: Healthcare webinar
This webinar’s guest speakers were Zuzana Skvarkova, a disability justice advocate and TED Talk speaker from Arizona, and Justin Steinberg, a Stanford University research assistant from California.

Understanding Ableism Series
Join us for our free webinar series Understanding Ableism with guest panelists on a variety of topics that are important to the disability community.

Who is a trailblazer?
Who do you think is a trailblazer in the disability movement? And why?

Meet our new staff
Meet our new team members!
We are excited to announce new staff and AmeriCorps volunteers who joined us recently.

Honoring Zona Roberts
Zona Roberts, a legend in the Independent Living movement, passed away this week at the age of 104.

You’re invited
You’re invited to a focus group!
We want your feedback. Help us shape our Healthy Living Program for 2025.
Our partners at UW will ask you questions in a casual group setting. Your responses will help us learn how to best support our participants’ goals.

Join a map-a-thon
Want to help King County become more accessible?
Volunteer your group to participate in a Map-A-Thon

Your input is wanted!
Researchers at UW are looking for people with disabilities who are interested in participating in a study about generative artificial intelligence.

Happy anniversary, Terry
Learn what our staffer Terry said is his favorite thing about his job at Disability Empowerment Center

Our Theo Chocolate collab
We recently had the chance to consult with Seattle company Theo Chocolate on the re-design of their holiday packaging.

Why I serve on the board
Hear what board member Skyler says about serving on our Board of Directors.

More misconceptions
Hear what our staffer, Cassidy, said about misconceptions about having a disability.

Giving Tuesday is Dec. 3
Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving, is Dec. 3!
As you make your giving plans, we hope you keep us in mind, because everything we do is about inclusion and choice.

Storm safety tips
Be prepared before a storm and know what to do during and after one with these tips.

Accessibility research alert!
If you use eyedrops and have difficulty administering them yourself, the University of Washington would like your help with a research study.

Survey: Have you been to the Arboretum?
Take this survey to help researchers identify ways to make a local park more accessible.

Hear audio responses (with captions available) from two of our staffers about misconceptions about having a disability.